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Ireland is an island in the North Atlantic Ocean, in north-western Europe. It is separated from Great Britain to its east by the North Channel, the Irish Sea, and St George’s Channel. Ireland is the second-largest island of the British Isles, the third-largest in Europe, and the twentieth-largest in the world. 

County Meath is one of the developing counties in Ireland and there was a massive increase of Malankara Orthodox Christians believers in Co. Meath from 2020 onwards. As of the request form the Malankara orthodox Believers from Co. Meath the Metropolitan of UK, Europe, and Africa Diocese H.G. Abraham Mar Stephanos granted to start a new congregation in County Meath Ireland.

With the Mercy and Protection of God Almighty and by the Intercessions of St. Mary’s, St. Thomas, the Apostle of our Church, St. George and of all the Saints and Martyrs, and with the blessings and consent of HG Abraham Mar Stephanos Metropolitan, under the Diocese of UK- Europe & Africa its approved a new Congregation with effect from March 5th 2023 onwards. This Congregation is declared as St. George Indian Orthodox Congregation, Co. Meath.         Rev Fr. Anish John is appointed as the Priest-in- Charge of our new congregation.


The initial association of the Malankara Orthodox believers in Co. Meath was held on 5th March 2023 Sunday in the presence of Rev. Fr. Anish John at St. Marys church of Ireland Julianstown, Co. Meath and nearly 40 members from sixteen families gathered under the new congregation. Rev. Fr. Anish John read the letter from Diocese Metropolitan about the declaration of the new congregation in Co. Meath under the Diocese of UK, Europe and Africa. An Adhoc committee was formed under the new congregation and Mr. Thomas M David was elected as the congregation Adhoc committee Treasurer and Mr. Rency Rajan elected as the Congregation Adhoc committee secretary under the presidentship of Rev. Fr. Anish John Priest in charge of new congregation. Mr. Subin Philip, Mr. Koshy Shyno, Mr. Lalu Koshy Vaidyan ,Mr. Joboy Kuriakose was elected as the Adhoc committee members for the initial working of the congregation.  As of the approval from the members of the new congregation its approved & agreed  that St. Marys Church of Ireland, Julianstown will be the initial venue and base of the new congregation for all its  future activities. The Congregation decided to conduct two masses  every month on alternate Saturdays.


Diocese Metropolitan H.G. Abraham Mar Stephanos Visited and Blessed the new congregation on 21st March 2023. The congregation Priest in charge Rev. Fr. Anish John and all members of the new congregation gave a warm welcome to  H.G Abraham Mar Stephanos on his first visit to new congregation with immense pleasure and happiness. H.G led the evening prayer and blessed the congregation with his spiritual words. H.G interacted with all members & children’s of the new congregation.  Dn. Calvin Poovathur was also presented for the evening prayer.


The First Holy mass of the new congregation was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Anish John on 29th March 2023. Around forty members participated in the first holy mass.


The General body of the new congregation was conducted on 25th March 2023 after the Holy Mass. Fr. Anish John was on Chair and the general body elected the following members for the congregation functioning for the year 2023. Totalling of Twenty-two families and fifty five members are there in the church membership register

Priest in Charge – Rev. Fr. Anish John

Treasurer: Mr. Thomas M David

Secretary: Mr. Rency Rajan

Committee Members:

  • Jubin Cherian
  • Koshy Shyno Varghese
  • Lalu Koshy Vaidyan
  • Joboy Kuriakose

Internal Auditor – Blesson M Chandy

Sunday School Headmaster: Mr. Jessen Jose

Sunday School In charge: Mrs. Sony Philip

MMVS Co Ordinator – Mrs Ashly Thomas 

Prayer meeting Co. Ordinator – Mr. Bipin Kurian

Diocese Representative – Mr. Joboy Kuriakose

OCYM Co Ordinator – Ms . Bincy Babu